Monday, 21 November 2011

Anybody knows how true love is???

We have all been in love or felt attracted to opposite sex at least once in our lifetime. .Most of the times these so called love never work out and we later realise it was just an eye wash. I am just thinking how do you ever identify true love...surely love cannot be judged on the basis of longevity...because I truly believe that it is not always necessary that  your love culminates into marriage or years of being together. How does one know that they have met their soul mate? How does one make sure he/she is in a relation that will last forever...sometimes I get a feeling that like most other things in life this also a risk that one is taking sometimes it comes off and sometimes it does not...well I have gone wrong a couple of times but still have a hope that I will find that person that elusive love :) as I say hope is the road to happyness..enjoy

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